Monday, 29 September 2014

Well Known Music video Director

For my well known music video director I am going to look at Bartholomew Cubbins. He is the world famous video director behind the band 30 seconds to mars. Although millions of people know his name there is some mystery behind it. if you Google his name you will struggle to find out anything about him, that's because technically he doesn't exist.
Bartholomew Cubbins is in fact an alter ego of the lead singer of 30 seconds to mars Jared Leto. this is because he wants to create drama about who Bartholomew Cubbins actually is and also he doesn't want the music videos to get more publicity because he directed them.

Cubbins also has a very recognisable style with recurring themes and messages. one of his most used ideas is of his videos almost being a dream and not real. which can be seen in videos such as "from yesterday", "the kill" and "up in the air". he also uses a lot of bright colours highly saturated with a very dark background. this increases the feeling of it not being real and the main subject being the important thing not the setting.
A lot of his videos often have underlying meanings usually pointing towards no war, but also his most well known is for fantasy's of desire often linked to a sexual desire very recognisable in the videos "the kill" and "up in the air".   this is again amplified by the use of bright saturated colours on a very dark background.

I believe it to be very clever that he has an alter ego as it separates the singer and band from the videos making it look like a professional is in charge of the videos. this makes the audience not think that the visions of the band are the same as the directors even though they are the same person.
here you can see Leto wearing a t-shirt saying "who is Bartholomew Cubbins". this creates some suspicion around who he actually is to generate interest around the band hopefully to increase sales.

Monday, 8 September 2014

final practice music video

Here is the final edit of the practice music video that I made with group mates Tia and Abbey.